Attain Work — Life Balance

Sarmad Ashfaq Chaudhary
1 min readAug 14, 2021


A week before, I’ve written a goal for myself and that was to attain work — life balance so that I could focus some time working on my side interests.

Here’s the steps that I needed to take:

Here’s my progress so far:

I am nearing the complete of website project that I have listed. Some of the challenges I faced were the excess of changing requirements from the client.

Most part of App Refracting has been complete. As a developer and an course instructor on Flutter, I am training new Flutter internees on the development of Photo Editor app so this additional part of app development helps significantly. This activity has its own set of challenges like breaking of app functionality and time required for over-work but it’s definitely worth the effort.

Finally, I shall complete the Flutter/Dart class content by tomorrow (Sunday) and shall be giving lectures plus taking lab classes in the coming week.

