CareerPro — An Awesome Career Counselling Platform

Sarmad Ashfaq Chaudhary
3 min readSep 19, 2021


There exist very few platforms that provide career counselling to Intermediate students on choosing the right bachelor degree and college based on their interests and capabilities. There is clearly a need for an easily accessible platform for students that provides career profiling and mentorship sessions with professionals.

We plan to create a simple web-based platform called “CareerPro” that fits the needs of a user-friendly career counselling platform. It shall comprise all the basic features and will be adaptable to a growing customer base offering a competitive advantage over other platforms as more students look for online solutions. Through this system, we shall host counselling sessions where students can connect with Field-related professionals who shall guide them.

Circle 2 Members

  • Rubbia
  • Aamir
  • Adrash
  • Maryam
  • Nadeem
  • Bassma

Project Timeline

All the actionable steps that we need to complete are listed as under along with the divisions of tasks:


Data Collection and Research

In the first two weeks, we planned our project and gathered data thoroughly from various web sources. To maintain the quality of data that we collected, we cross-checked one web source with others. Different bachelor programs aligning with the interests of students were identified on the basis of factors such as:

  • Scope (in 5 years)
  • Growth Rate
  • Starting Salary
  • Five Public and Private Institutions

To provide realistic salary amounts, we made effective use of various job hunt websites such as:


Data gathered:

Platform Setup

Anticipating a busy schedule in few weeks, we rushed our project into running parallel tasks i.e., setting up the social media profiles and designing the initial post and logo for CareerPro along with step 1.

Kudos to Nadeem! The designs were amazing.

Our Facebook Profile can be found at:

Moving On :’)

In our recent session, Session 2, we assigned the tasks of refining data and setting up the web platform (domain and hosting). Initial financials shall be born by the whole group and we shall go into fundraising once the project is complete.

Plan for the next two weeks? More Interleaved Steps.

Considering the tasks of step 2 and step 3 need to be performed iteratively for two weeks, we decided to run both the steps simultaneously. In the next two weeks, we shall be done deploying our platform website and get social media profiles up with a few promotions. Moreover, we are reaching out to field professionals in our family and acquaintance. Hopefully, we shall get a few of them on board for our initial sessions.

That’s it!

To keep our motivation levels up, we conclude our progress report with a wonderful quote.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

